General Health

General Health Assessment

Assess your overall health with basic metrics like age, weight, and height.

Calorie Needs

Calorie Requirement Calculation

Calculate your daily calorie needs based on gender, age, weight, height, and activity level.

BMI Calculation

BMI Calculation

Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) using your weight and height.

Delivery Date

Expected Delivery Date Count

Estimate your expected delivery date based on your last menstrual period (LMP).

Safe Period

Safe Period Count

Calculate your safe period based on your menstrual cycle length and last period.

Fertile Period

Fertile Period Count

Calculate your fertile period based on your menstrual cycle length and last period.

Dose Calculation

Dose Calculation for Doctors

Calculate the total dose of medication based on patient weight and dosage.

Protein Count

Daily Protein Count

Calculate your daily protein needs based on weight and activity level.

Screen Time

Daily Screen Time

Track and calculate your daily screen time usage.

Urine Output

Daily Urine Output

Calculate your daily urine output to monitor hydration levels.

Exercise Time

Daily Exercise Time and Type

Track your daily exercise duration and type for better fitness management.

Sleep Pattern

Daily Sleep Pattern and Timing

Monitor your daily sleep patterns and timings for better sleep hygiene.